Wednesday, October 20, 2010

New state fair food finds

Guest post written by Darryl White

Each year when I hear that the fair's coming to town, I'm really excited to go and take the kids. But I don't really ride a whole lot of rides with them, I'm kind of scared of them. But I go to keep an eye on them and also try out some of the weird foord that they're hawking at the food vendors booths.

I was looking online with my Clear Wireless Interenet 4G trying to see if I could figure out what kinds of offerings they would have food-wise, but then I decided that I really wanted to be surprised instead. Because I didn't want to think too much about how the stuff would taste before I actually got to try it.

I was pleasantly surprised by all the food that they had when I finally took my kids to the fair. My youngest daughter Alicia just had to have some chocolate covered bacon but then she didn't end up liking it so I finished it off for her, but that seems to happen with at least one of my kids every year. But then I got a hash brown hot dog that was so delicious. p>

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