Sunday, December 16, 2007

Fashion show starts in 20 minutes!!

Start in 20 minutes!!! Today Sunday December 16th at 4pm slt we have an awesome fashion event planned! A fashion show featuring some goodies for the men and women. The event will take place at the lm below at 4pm slt. This show will also debut Malinconia's new Notices HUD. An awesome new tool for designers, creators, the press, bloggers, photographers and fashion shows! My NoticesHUD is located for free at my shop in the front so please pick up a copy. Simply wear it and you can use the arrows to navigate pages. When you put it on give it a second to connect. You can also choose to subscribe to my live feed of newness and also qualify for special prezzies to my notice hud users! What subscribing does is allow you to be notified when ravenwear has any newness out in the store. You can then wear your hud to see the new items added :) This HUD will allow you to give items out to the subscribers and also will allow you to give gifts only to those that have your store in their picks :) If you are a fellow creator and would like more info please IM Aria Alexandria for more info on the notices hud and how you can get one that is customized for your logos etc

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