Monday, January 28, 2008

New Designer contest with a free shop!!!!!

Thats right we want to do our part to support the new talent in SL! If you are a designer of clothing, skin, hair, shoes or accessories please send me a folder with some pics of your designs, information on how long you have been creating, a notecard with a lm to your current store, what you make, and any other info you would like to put in it. You may send samples if you like that is up to you. Please name the folder Designer Contest *your name* and drop it on me before February 4th.

The first prize winner will have a custom shop that has yet to be unveiled and 150 prims to use to place their items or decorate the shop with! They will also have their own landing parcel. TYou will also be advertised on my blog and to the group when they move in. This shop space will be free for six months after that we will discuss further occupation of the shop

This contest is for designers that have started their stores no more than 2 months ago and do not have a main shop in secondlife yet. Main shopping being defined as a store that has a landing point that goes directly to their shop. You can create mens, womens, avatars, hair, skins, clothing, jewelry etc etc. You must sell your own designs no business in a box stores allowed.

Raven Lament

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